Hello! I just found one of your articles about the proper placement of the tongue and the ill effects of improper habits and I just needed to thank you. For many years I’ve dealt with overcrowding and feeling as if my tongue is too big for my mouth to the point that I was constantly noticing it many times a day and especially into the night. I tried the exercise about how the tongue should be properly placed and was more than astounded that for that time I was temporarily relieved of my issue! Thank you!
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
“Myo” is the medical prefix that stands for muscle. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy involves identifying and eliminating the harmful habits or disorders that involve the muscles of the tongue, cheek, lips and the position of the jaw. Because of the powerful force exerted by the tongue, the improper and repetitive movements of thumb-sucking or finger sucking contributes to deformation of mouth structure. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy corrects the oral posture of the muscles of the face and can be used to correct the behavior patterns caused by finger-sucking of thumb-sucking.
Sleep Related Problems
Your ability to sleep soundly can be hindered when your airway collapses during sleep, depriving the brain and other organs of oxygen which is vital to long-term health and can cause your sleep cycle to be interrupted preventing you from waking up refreshed in the morning.