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Interceptive Orthodontics Preserves Space for Unerupted Teeth

Interceptive Orthodontics
Three women of different ages laying on the ground with their heads together and reaching up

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Early orthodontic treatment can help prevent more severe dental problems later in life, especially when the problems are found early on, like around the time your child is beginning to lose their baby teeth. Interceptive orthodontics preserves space for unerupted teeth by addressing the structure of the jaw and teeth while the child’s baby teeth are still in its mouth.

By age 7, your child’s mouth has grown enough so that your pediatric dentist or orthodontist can identify how it will develop as the permanent teeth begin to emerge. He or she can also develop a treatment plan that can help guide that development on a good course.

Some orthodontic conditions are much easier to correct if they are detected early. Here are the ways an orthodontist can help with early intervention:

  • A better prognosis of how your child’s teeth will develop
  • Guidance of the jaw growth to accommodate emerging teeth or preserve space for unerupted teeth
  • Correction of bite problems, like a cross, deep or open bite
  • Correction of habits that can be detrimental to optimal development, like thumb sucking or tongue pushing

Interceptive orthodontics can offer these long-term benefits:

  • Lowered risk of future damage and/or more-invasive dental treatments
  • Increased function of the teeth, lips and face
  • Improvement of your child’s appearance and self-esteem

Your child’s pediatric dentist is well trained in identifying potential bite problems in young children, and if they deem it necessary, can refer you to an orthodontist for assessment and treatment—like the orthodontists at Airway & Sleep Group. We are glad to examine your child and offer our recommendations.

Airway & Sleep Group

11800 Sunrise Valley Dr.
Suite 200
Reston, VA 20191

Office Hours

7am – 4pm
7am – 4pm
7am – 4pm
7am – 4pm
7am – 4pm